Wednesday, January 8, 2014

BYE BYE 2013

It's a New Year, It's a New Year….
When one door closes another one opens….
God will only give you what you can handle….

What the HELL ever!!!!! Yes it is a New Year, but I am not new, yet. Everyday is a new beginning to be a new you. It is up to you (ME) to make that happen. Not anyone else. And it just being a new year doesn't mean you automatically start over.

The whole door thing. Well that bugs me. Just, what if the door closes but the other one is nailed shut? What then? Oh and windows, what if they are painted shut? What then??? You need to carry around an axe to get the hell out of where you are stuck.

I have never been a real religious person. And this is not what this is about. I have been pushed to the limits in 2013. Like I mentioned in an earlier post I needed a time out. Everything was getting to me. I was going to concentrate on my children and family. Not solely on myself. I obviously couldn't handle all that God thought I could last year. I gave up, even for just a little bit.

I refuse to make New Years Resolutions. What's the point. I am a procrastinator and things hardly every get done. I still haven't set up my monthly goals. See, PROCRASTINATION!!!! 

But I will tell you this. I am focusing on me now. Stress levels are down a smidge, although things are not looking straight up, I do see a glimmer of light, let's hope it's not a train. 

I will not be weighing myself anytime this month. Well that's a lie. I just did, and it wasn't bad news. I haven't gained!!!! January is still going to be an iffy month for me and my family, but I will be starting on ME. Small steps. teeny tiny steps really. But it's a start.

And on a side note… I can't believe my little old  blog has almost 1100 page views. Hopefully in the coming months I will have great things for you all to be reading. 

So stay with me and stay tuned!! xoxo