Wednesday, December 4, 2013


I know, I know.  I haven't been keeping up with my journey details. Well to tell you the truth there are not many details to be shared. I was doing so well, keeping positive and stuff then life happened…. again!!!

I decided that I needed a time out. I can not concentrate on more than 1 thing at a time right now. So I suppose, before you all start calling me a quitter, I will share with you, some of my problems, even tho they are rather personal. Just so you can understand why I am taking a break (for now).

2013 has been a rough year for my family. In March my husband switched jobs. It was less pay, better hours and he gets to be home more often now and watch our beautiful little girls grow up in person, not just in the pictures of many sporting events or school events that he would have to miss out on, by being at work always.

We knew it would be a tough couple of months to get used to the lower income and we also knew that I would need to also look for a part time job. We thought that we would be able to handle it through the summer until I really had to buckle down and get a job. It took forever to get a job for me. By the time tho, that I got my job we were so far behind in some of our bills that it was so overwhelming. 

OH wait, let me back track just a hair. When hubs left his job in March is was for another dealership (cars) and that didn't work out, so he was out of work for a while. He had a temp job that helped a little but they wouldn't hire him full time. So he is where he is now and loving it.

Ok, back to me now. LOL  I had to get on government assistance for food, or else we wouldn't have enough food for the week. You can only live off of so much Ramen Noodles, no matter what college kids say. That right there, having to get assistance takes a toll on your pride and adds to your stress. We tried desperately to get caught up on bills but couldn't quite get there. So we decided that we had to get the car taken care of first and so we did. But unfortunately we are so behind on our house now that it is now in the foreclosure proceedings. 

The whole time we were catching up on the car payments and keeping up with the months bills to run the house, we were on the phone with the mortgage company trying to modify our loan. We got notice about 3 weeks ago that they can not do anything to help us. So there you have it, FORECLOSURE. 

I have been concentrating so hard on keeping a normal life for my daughters so they don't realize that our life is falling apart. They are too young to have to worry about these problems. We don't spend frivolously when we do have money, Ok, well sometimes we splurge and eat out and see a movie, but for the most part, it always goes towards bills. So to actually not have any money is horrifying and I don't think it's right for a 9 and a 5 year old to have to deal with it.

In the past 15 months we have had 4 deaths in our family. My sister in law, Hubs grandpa, our niece and just this morning my father in law past away. That alone is more than anyone can handle. Just thinking about how short life can be makes me want to have a healthier life and I am still working on it, just not as diligently. 

I don't need to be worried about if I ate that carb or if I got my gallon of water in. I need to worry about my family and keeping us together and loved. Once I get these financial blows figured and straightened out, my break will be over. I will be hitting the pavement walking off pounds and concentrating more on healthy options for meals. Right now tho, Ramen Noodles and whatever else we can afford is whats on the menu.

Many of you might not agree with me taking a break, and that is alright. We all deal with things differently. As for me, my depression, lack of wealth, and stress… we will take a break!

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