Sunday, September 29, 2013


GOOD GOLLY MISS MOLLY.... When in the hell did I get FAT???  I know, I know.... it happens over time and getting rid of it will not happen over night. I am well aware of that. My question is Why didn't anyone tell me? 

Well anyway, here I am...

It's ok, you can laugh, I don't mind. I am just over here crying. My tan lines are horrible! Golly Gee! I am also going to share my measurements and how much I actually weigh. This is almost as tough as sharing the pictures...

Scale level..... LYING.... there is no way I way 20#... Oh you mean it's 320# WOWZER.... That's all going to change. I am not looking for a quick fix, I am looking for a healthy change. At least I didn't break the scale and yes I know, I need a pedicure!

Well with this bit of info shared with all of you, my kind people who have been giving me support and encouragement, I wish you all a good night. Tomorrow I will start anew...

Sleep well and sorry for the nasty images right before bedtime.


  1. Jeny, you are very brave to share your journey. I am so very proud of you and I know that you will be victorious! Love you very much!!!

  2. I am proud of you. :)

    Can I make a suggestion to you? Stop with the crappy self-talk. "At least I didn't break the scale..." and "Sorry for the nasty images right before bedtime" don't build you up and nobody who is reading your blog thinks that what you're saying is accurate. You may be trying to cover up your insecurities with humor, but I speak from experience when I tell you that you're not doing yourself any favors and you're not being funny. You are a beautiful person, inside and out and I love you. Could you be healthier? Yes. I'm sure that you can. (As can I.) But that doesn't have anything to do with your beauty. Keep those two things separate and you'll do just fine.

    Congratulations on embarking on such an important journey!!!
